Sunday 31 August 2008

It's coming to a European Country near you soon

It's a miserable Sunday in Blackpool. The rain's pouring and it's as dull as f**k! 3 Weeks to the off and I'm heading to the pub shortly (where else really!?) to plan the itinerary for the upcoming European inter-railing experience. I've been looking to do this for years and whilst 16 days is someway short of what I'd ideally like, once you reach my time of life (36 and all kiddied up!), 16 days is like manner from heaven.
Money is in the bank, blog created, final touches to planning about to be undertaken. Ahhh, bliss, it REALLY doesn't get much better than this.
I'm pondering the solitude of the train journeys, the people I'll meet, the mad situations I know I'll get into and the time I'll have to contemplate my life and the future. I know the trip will change me - these experiences I've found always do. So as much as I'm looking forward to the trip, it's also with some trepidation that I embark on a new chapter of my life. Some doors you look at and wonder, some you take a peak into and turn back. And some you throw yourself through and take the consequences. No trail of breadcrumbs for me with this one......


Conky said...

most excellent ways to look at it excited for you!

Mouldymuffin! said...

Jen - is that actually YOU in that VID? If it IS then it's the first time you've eva run away from a horny male....surrrrely!