Sunday, 31 August 2008

Strap yerself in - it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

'Travelling is the ruin of all happiness! There's no looking at a building here after seeing Italy".

Fanny Burney (1752 - 1840)

Thought I'd include the above for two reasons:

1. We met today in the battle cruiser and decided to spend more time in Italy (more on that later) and..
2. What the fooks up with that name? Burney fanny! lol. Think she's hot? lol. She really wants to stop going for a piss after rubbing ralgex into her leg!

Anyhow - enough of this jiggery pokery!

So we met. We drank beer. We perused the menu (for food and for European destinations)...and the results of the United Kingdom jury were as follows:

France - nil point (sorry, but really wanted to give them nowt!)

Ok, here goes:

Sat 20th (Sept) Blackpool - Paris
Sun 21st Paris
Mon 22nd Rome
Tues 23rd Rome
Wed 24th Venice
Thur 25th Salzburg
Fri 26th Munich
Sat 27th Munich
Sun 28th Prague
Mon 29th Prague
Tues 30th Prague
Wed 1st (Oct) Berlin
Thur 2nd Berlin
Fri 3rd Amsterdam
Sat 4th Amsterdam
Sun 5th Amsterdam - Blackpool

We decided to drop Warsaw which allowed us to take in Venice and spend an extra day in Prague. There's a lot of travel it's true but what a trip! There re a few other bits and bobs I'm missing there - Verona and Zel Am See - but it's correct in essence!

15 nights - 8 in Y Hostels, 6 on overnight trains (Couchettes or however you spell it) and 1 in a frigin tent in Munich - it's the beer fest you understand so accomm at a premium!

More, where the fook is that passport...ooops

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