Back to work today; hmmmmpf! Through the work, and numberous e-mail traffic (some official, some not so!), I had time to chat to my buddy about the upcoming frivolity. It's infectious isn't it? It's like that shared giddy nervous tension you get standing outside the exam room door before going in to do battle with pen and paper for 3 hours (except without all the dread of possible failure). Or was that just me? Anyhow....
Trip minus 19 days. Grrrr, I don't think I've really looked forward to anything as much since Christmas aged 10. I have that little nervous feeling (excitement) in the pit of my stomach when I imagine being on the train on Saturday 20th. Heading down to London and then onto the ferry and eventually Paris. I love Paris. Only been once and that was last year. I actually never intended to go, but for reasons far too complicated to go into I found myself there one overcast day. On my own. No idea where to go. What to do. But it WAS FUCKING GREAT. No plan other than to head for the river and see what was there (ok, ok, I could see the tower but you get my point). It was raining. I was pissed at the world. But it turned into one of the best days of my life.
'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'. That's from 'A tale of two cities isn't it'? Wasn't that set in Paris? Hah! I'm a genius (ok, maybe not but it makes ME feel good).
I waited 2 and a half hours to get up the tower. Waste of time really. You go high up in the sky and.....and what exactly? Look down and congratulate yourself on achieving....erm...what exactly? Anyhow, the best part was wandering through the streets in the afternoon - the sun came out and it was blazing hot. I was free. Just me, no one to answer to but myself. Nowhere to go but where I decided. Ahhh, what a day.
Good times to be had....bring it the fook on!
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I like how you say FOOK..makes it feel like its ok to say it haha
I remember that day, I was sat outside Pottsy's flat in Poulton whilst you were sending me texts trying to work how to get home, you sounded like you were having an absolute blinder. Another incident that solidified the idea of doing this trip me thinks. Definitely a bonus for me as I don't think I'd be taking a trip like this during 2008 (and possibly 09).
I thank Paris and it's wonderful maze of streets, it's brilliant continental, laid back aura you can't help feel when trudging the streets not having a clue where your going to end up. Cheers the French, and cheers Paris. Roll on the 20th.
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