Tuesday 2 September 2008

Have you ever noticed how....

..when you share an experience with someone that other people aren't involved in, then it's almost like you know a private joke that no-one else really has an understanding of? Kind of like being absolutely in love...it feels like no-one else really GETS it. (Disclaimer: This is not a confession of love for my buddy Neil. No disrespect m8 but I'd rather shag me gran - and she's dead).

We were sat in the pub (yes, that's right, the pub AGAIN) this eve with our mate Mark (Sooty - long story) Shuttleworth. Of course we were buzzing about the trip and waxing lyrical about the forthcoming wonders. When he left, I turned to Neil and mentioned that whilst we didn't exclude him, we were on a different planet getting excited about the trip. Sorry Mark!

Well I'm sure you're all sick to the back teeth about me going on about this trip and all (even though this blog IS kinda about that). Hmmm, let's talk about the weather here in Blackpool. Pretty shite innit!? Heard it's supposed to be mint in Rome.....Muwhahahahahah....

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