Thursday 11 September 2008

Somewhere over the rainbow...

To spend, or not to spend? That is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the lack of beer-age before next Friday, or to take up a bar stool and down a swift one...

Money. Shit really isn't it? Most of you know this trip is going to have to be undertaken on a strict budget. The problem is, I have a REAL issue with living like a monk under any circumstances. So do I go out tomorrow night and sp**k 40 notes - or do I go home and watch shitty Friday night TV? Hmmmmm...

So it's about a week away now. My Inter rail ticket has arrived and all the accommodation / flights / trains are booked. Wow - it's REALLY happening. I'm still mega excited but I feel constantly tired at work now. I think it's the old 'getting closer and feeling it' (no rude jokes please - although offers gladly received :)). Do you know what I mean? It's like running for a bus or a train. It's hard enough running the 200 yards - but in that final 20 it feels like your feet are in glue - all psychological of's because you've nearly made it and know that shortly you'll be sat on a nice comfy seat (or on a Friday, sat next to a 300lb heffer with BO and halitosis). You get the idea anyhow...

Shit! I've just remembered I need some sunglasses! Where can I get a cheapo pair!!!!!?


Conky said...

300 pound heffer hey?

I vote u stay home and save your $ bc youll have more fun with that $ while yer away than u will out at home...just my opinion. You could stay home and fondle a rubber titty or something.

Neil said...

haha, rubber titty, that's class. Booby stress balls are the greatest..

Conky said...

you guys lucked out too.. i got ya the big ones...not the stupid handful ones haha