Thursday 4 September 2008

I want a refund.....

So it's Thursday and the hell and damnation that is 'Change Programme Board' has been safely circumnavigated. This is a major milestone (arrrrgh milestones!) between me and my trip. Have you ever noticed when you're really looking forward to doing something how you mark off the stages between now and then? Was the worst day at work between now and the absolute bliss and freedom of that Saturday morning on the train....heading off into who the hell knows what!

The reality of the sorry state of my finances is beginning to dawn on me. I need to live like a monk for the next two weeks! Can i do it!? Well I may just be able to as the reward is SO great.

Due to Mr Woodall's initial recon of the journey plan we agreed last weekend, we have decided that a further major planning session is required. I just live in hope that the next time he calls the booking site it is either an 85 year old munter or a gay man that answers the phone - otherwise he may once again get all misty eyed (aroused) and lose his tenuous grip on reality and prefer to chat up the hottie (or so he says!) on the other end of the line! Note to Mr Woodall - focus man, focus!

I need some serious reading material for the journey. Can anyone of my usual listeners (ok, it's 'readers' but it sounds better) suggest something? All donations will be gladly received. Reciprocation is a given (that sounds rude but then that's obviously just me!).

Until next time pop tarts (...and you know who you are!) xoxoxo


Conky said...

who is your pop tart...?

and why are u JUST planning and buying tickets NOW for this trip???!!! wtf I thought u had this booked and paid for ages ago...isnt it cheaper to do that in advance?
well crap.....instead of the couchettes?? cant u just sleep in yer seat? hahahaha thats gotta be cheaper than a couchette (thats a wee bunk bed room right?)...or maybe u can fond some old lady in paris who is rich and trade her sexual favors for train coupons?!?!?! just a thought...u and neil could tag team and give her the time of her life.
STOP ALL SPENDING. NO BEER. NO BUFFALO WINGS (them big wings is expensive man! <- haaaaa)...putthe horse meat plan on hold til later...pawn something!!!!!!!!!

Mouldymuffin! said...

Ewww - couldn't do it with Neil watchin' tho!

Conky said...

Ohhh you are so sweetly shy haha

michelle said...

ive read ur lonnnnnngg blog!! hehe
i hope the trip lives up to the great anticipation, and my great anticipation now!! i wish i was there to tag along, i cud make it interesting for sure! i cud flash a bit of flesh, get us some cheap rates! hehe well while ur both galavanting aroung europe, remember to stay safe, and together and to keep ur heads and HEARTS under lock and key, take note Mr heald! if you need some wise words to bring you back to earth then u have me on speed txt! remember, dont wear ur heart on ur sleeve, dont bare ur soul and dont catch any diseases! enjoy it, as two weeks is too short, by the way, yeah u write well, u sud think about novel writing!! hugs n kisses xxx shell